Three Reiki Questions Answered

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Here are some common Reiki questions we get a lot, along with some helpful answers:

1. How does Reiki practice help create healing, peace, and wellness? Reiki practice balances one's being and fosters a state similar to meditation. It encourages healing, renewal and repair. Reiki practice promotes a move from the typical fight-or-flight response to parasympathetic nervous system dominance. This daily opportunity to return to one's calm, centered self has innumerable benefits. Our Reiki classes are long, spread out over time, so students get a chance to study and integrate the practice into their daily lives.

2. Why is Reiki considered a spiritual practice? Reiki practice can be used like a first-aid tool, where the receiver gets a treatment only when they're feeling stressed, anxious, in pain, or having a problem. It often offers symptom relief, but more as a side-effect of the practice. Reiki was created as a spiritual practice that engages inner resources and encourages a return to present-moment inner and outer awareness, connection, wholeness and oneness. Reiki practice has a strong component of self-care, where practitioners learn, first and foremost, to treat themselves daily. Learn more about spiritual practice as practice for life.

3. What's the deal with lineage and why does it matter? Most spiritual practices are passed down through initiations or transmissions that give us access to the knowledge, blessings, teachings and/or practices of our teachers and all of their teachers. Reiki is no exception.We all have a lineage of blood ancestors, linked through genetics, that can be traced back many generations.  We can also have spiritual ancestors, linked through initiation, that can be traced all the way back to a practice's founder.When you take a Reiki Class with us, you will receive initiations into the practice, as well as a lineage chart that provide you with a direct connection to teachers tracing back to the practice's founders.- Kim Fleisher, M.Ed