Reiki Practitioner Resources
Are you a Reiki practitioner?
Here you’ll find special offerings to help you maintain a credible, professional, supported, and current mainstream Reiki practice.
Reiki Shares are structured practice sessions that provide practitioners with a safe, comfortable and supportive place to give and receive Reiki.
At Reiki Shares we discuss questions about our Reiki practice, trade sessions and share stories about our Reiki journey with other practitioners. All practitioner levels and lineages are welcome at our Reiki Shares.
Please visit our events page to find upcoming shares and to RSVP.
“Thank you for hosting the Reiki Share. It was a great blessing and I feel so much gratitude in my heart for the group. I really enjoyed the format – I was able to put my control issues aside and experience a different way of practicing. The format with the hand positions was great because it enabled us to get to every different position and give the person a full treatment. I usually do a free style Reiki Share. I actually have one at my house and will try to incorporate some of the techniques into it. Our time almost always runs over so this will be a big help. Thanks again and much love to you.”
The Reiki School + Clinic has a longstanding tradition of community service. Currently we have thriving volunteer opportunities providing Reiki treatments for cancer patients at Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center. Reiki School and Clinic’s staff member, Sharon Edelman, is the director of the Volunteer Reiki Program at Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center. Our school’s co-founder, Kim Fleisher, helped co-create this thriving program in 2010. The Reiki sessions are part of Penn’s Integrative Medicine and Wellness Program, which includes but is not limited to Reiki, Acupuncture, PT, Nutrition, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Yoga, and Massage. Since 2010 volunteer Reiki practitioners have provided over 14,000 sessions to oncology patients, caregivers and staff. To learn more about Reiki for cancer patients, read the blog post that Kim wrote for Penn.
Contact Sharon for more information or to apply to become a volunteer at Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center. Applicants must have one of the following qualifications:
Current enrollment in (or completion of) Reiki Level 3 training at The Reiki School + Clinic
Clinical experience as a Reiki professional
Have experience as a Reiki Master
Applicants must also:
Be available to commit to volunteering for 3 hours a week for at least 1 year
Be willing to show proof of vaccination, get any vaccination updates needed and get flu shots yearly
”The secret of inviting happiness and the spiritual medicine for all illness” - Usui Sensei
Just for Today:
I let go of worry
I left of anger
I work hard and honestly (towards my life purpose)
I am thankful for my many blessings
I am kind to every living thing
Our dear friend Tania Alexandra is a singer/songwriter/Reiki Master who rendered the precepts into a beautiful, catchy song. Thank you, Tania Alexandra!
Our co-founder, Kimberly Fleisher, teamed up with Penn and our volunteer Reiki program to do a study on the effects of Reiki sessions on people receiving cancer treatment. Here are the findings.
Integrative Reiki for Cancer Patients: A Program Evaluation
by: Kimberly A. Fleisher, MEd1, Elizabeth R. Mackenzie, PhD1, Eitan S. Frankel, BA1, Christina Seluzicki, BA1, David Casarett, MD1, and Jun J. Mao, MD, MSCE1
We also recommend looking into Pamela Miles from Reiki in Medicine who has be a leader to integrating Reiki practice into mainstream healthcare and has written many medical papers on her findings. And we recommend the Center for Reiki Research to find more information on the newest Reiki research.
The Reiki School + Clinic staff address many issues facing Reiki practitioners on our blog. We also highlight successful Reiki programs, interview Reiki professionals, and offer tips and insights into Reiki practice. Browse topics to find posts relevant to you.
Re-Initiations are a great way to reconnect with your practice, renew your commitment, and receive the blessings of a teacher. This intimate ceremony can be scheduled by appointment with one of our Reiki Masters. The initiation also includes time to discuss your practice. 1 Hour, $80
10% discount for seniors
Meet with one of our team of experienced Reiki masters who can help you develop your personal or professional practice. During your meeting they can provide supervision on client, student and other professional or personal issues in your Reiki journey.