Happy 15th Birthday Reiki School!!!

Happy 15th Anniversary!

Happy 15th Anniversary!

It's hard to believe that The Reiki School + Clinic is 15 years old. When I started the school, I was only 23. This year is also an anniversary of practice for me too, meaning, as of this year I'll have been practicing Reiki as many years as I haven't been practicing. Amazing. Reiki practice is my best friend.The school, and Reiki practice, has been a haven of warmth, support and love for myself and so many others. It's provided an incredibly nourishing space to hold so much healing, change, and growth. Every day I give myself a treatment, placing my hands gently on myself and finding a renewed sense of balance, peace and homecoming. Then, I go to work and see how we provide that space for others. Over the years our staff has grown from just me to 14 people. Every day I'm blown away by the remarkable amounts of students, clients, neighbors and staff who flow through our doors.We've also been able to extend our reach to the community outside of our 4 walls through our service projects, bringing Reiki practice to shelter animals, hospice, cancer centers, hospitals, wellness centers, and more.I'd like to invite you to visit, whether you're an old friend, or someone I've yet to meet. This month we're doing lots of free healing events in celebration, and as a thank you, of all that's happened and all that's yet to come. Check out our events page for more info. Hope to see you there. Or just come by sometime for a cup of tea.15 years, W-I-L-D. I can't wait to see what the next 15 years will bring.

With Love and Gratitude,Kim