Most of us can feel stressed or overwhelmed around the holiday time. It's so easy to be swept up by other people's points of view, judgements and everything we just have to get done. What if there is a different possibility? What if we could add a sprinkle of WONDER to change the holiday vibes? If you are ready to explore a different possibility, you can join Veronica Parker at The Reiki School on Sunday Dec 8th from 11-1:30pm for Wonder all the Way!!!
*Find out what exactly are Access Bars and what they can contribute to your life.
*Receive 3 practical tools to silence the inner critic, choose what works for you and become more present to the magical wonders of the holiday season & beyond.
Veronica is a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness and Access Bars. She is also the host of the 5* rated podcast: Live Your Happy Now!
She adores playing in the realms of possibilities inviting others to receive more. What if you never ever ever had to make yourself wrong?